A Short Film About Ice is a film-poem documenting the journey of a cinematographer through the fragile landscapes of the Arctic. The camera bears witness to the shapes and colours of glaciers, tundra, mountains and sea ice while the filmmaker explores the role of the human and the artist in such landscapes in the time of the Anthropocene.
An indigenous philosopher, social leader and singer songwriter, composes a new song about his tumultuous life after 15 years of silence. But this time he will do it with his family, so the memories and interpretations are contradictory and painful. Uncle Yim is an immersion in the identity of a peculiar family shaped by tradition, music and communality.
Joaquin Fargas create natural ecosystems isolated inside sealed containers that only allow the external influence of heat and light. These systems, like our planet, depend on light as a source of energy for the development and continued existence of the life cycles that take place inside of them. These orbs represent our planet on a miniature scale, highlighting its fragility and the care its inhabitants should be taking
Corazón Del Mundo is an important message of the Indigenous Elder Mamo Rumaldo Lozano Gil guardian of the sacred site TEYUNA (The Lost City) in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, is a message about the root of our climate crisis and an invitation to take care of the trees, water, quartz, and gold