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The Climate Crisis Film Festival platforms stunning, diverse, and eye-opening cinema, providing a systemic perspective behind the raw human stories of climate change

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our 2023 edition

We’ve got a special edition of the Climate Crisis Film Festival in the works for 2023. But you’ll have to sign up to our mailing list to be the first to find out!

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70+ films. 30+ countries.
one message.

Dr. Jane Goodall DBE photo © Stuart Clarke

Our 2021
opening address

Three legendary environmentalists, Dr. Jane Goodall DBE, Bill McKiben and Lily Cole delivered powerful statements specially for the Climate Crisis Film Festival 2021.

Lily Cole

Dr. Jane Goodall DBE

Bill McKibben

The UK's leading
climate film festival

The Climate Crisis Film Festival (CCFF) is the UK’s first climate action film festival and the leading environmental film festival in the country.

Pioneering, aspirational, grassroots and youth-led, our diverse and eye-opening programming focuses on channeling constructive collective action and providing an intersectional analysis of climate, politics, economics and social justice

special events with
a diversity of speakers

Check out some speakers highlights from the CCFF 2021

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Max Moinian

Co-founder, Future Earth
Ignite Session: Why Intersectionality Matters

Isaias Hernandez

Environmental Educator, Creator of QueerBrownVegan
Ignite Session: Why Intersectionality Matters

Jeremy Jones

Snowboarder and Founder, Protect Our Winters
Purple Mountains

Carol Anne Hilton

Founder, Global Centre Of Indigenomic
Ignite Session: Earth Economy

Txai Suruí

Founder and coordinator of the Movement Indigenous Youth of Rondônia
Pass the Mic: Voices of the Land

Nadia Nazar

Co-Founder and Art Director, Zero Hour
Ignite Session: Why Intersectionality Matters

Mitzi Jonelle Tan

Convenor, Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines
Spotlight: My Journey Into Activism

Tiza Mafira

Associate Director, Climate Policy Initiative. Co-Founder, Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet Movement
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Brianna Craft

Senior Researcher, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Jo Becker

Climate justice activist, organiser and researcher
Spotlight: My Journey Into Activism

Manu Delago

Musician, composer and environmentalist
Trees for the Wood

Joycelyn Longdon

Founder, Climate In Colour
Ignite Session: Why Intersectionality Matters

Nasreen Al-Amin

Executive Director, Surge Africa
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Jessie Chisi

Filmmaker & Founder of Young Cinema
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Kandi White

Leadership Team, Indigenous Environmental Network
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Vinzealhar Ainjo Nen

Climate Activist and Country Lead Sustainable Ocean Alliance Papua New Guinea Hub
Pass the Mic: Voices of the Land

Abena Awuku-Larbi

Lawyer, Writer and Artistic Activist
Pass the Mic: Voices of the Land

Amrita Namasivayam

Research Fellow, Health and Education Project Drawdown. Founder, Halcyon Health Consulting
Spotlight: Women's Rally

June Gunluckiinimul Mills

Indigenous anti fracking activist and grandmother
Spotlight: Communities Unite Against Extraction

Marlow Baines

Youth Director and Director of Youth Ambassadors and Mentorship, Earth Guardians
Ignite Session: Why Intersectionality Matters

Karra Kinchela

Gomeroi Representative, Lock The Gate, Gomeroi Traditional Custodian, Moree Ecological Holistic Information Centre
Spotlight: Communities Unite Against Extraction

Kevin Aipopo

Co-Coordinator of the Pacific Climate Warriors Portland Chapter
Pass the Mic: Voices of the Land

Reverend Darryn Farrell

Reverend in the Alawa community
Spotlight: Communities Unite Against Extraction

Swati Thiyagarajan

Conservation Journalist, Sea Change Project
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Dr. Robert Strand

Executive Director, Center for Responsible Business at University of California, Berkeley
Ignite Session: Business for Good

Douglas Graham

Jiman Traditional Owner, Woorabinda Aboriginal Community Member
Spotlight: Communities Unite Against Extraction

Nicole Ng

Chief of Staff, Leaders’ Quest & Future Stewards; Leadership Team, TED Countdown; Impact Producer
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Malungelo Xhakaza

Anti-coal activist and daughter of assassinated activist Fikile Ntshangase
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Mac Macartney

Speaker, writer and Founder of Embercombe
Ignite Session: Business for Good

Miguel Peters

Founder & Director, Afrigod. CEO, Greentech-Africa.
Ignite Session: Business for Good

Perk Pomeyie

National Coordinator, Ghana Youth Environmental Movement (GYEM)
Spotlight: My Journey Into Activism

Paul Mason

Campaigning journalist, Former economics editor, BBC Newsnight/Channel 4 News
Ignite Session: Earth Economy

Hunhak Matt Gale

Pacific Climate Warriors
Pass the Mic: Voices of the Land

Suzanne Dhaliwal

Climate Justice Campaigner, Founder of No Tar Sands, Digital Media & Comms at Canada’s National Observer
Ignite Session: Why Intersectionality Matters

John Paul Jose

Environmental and Climate Justice Activist
Spotlight: My Journey Into Activism

Dr Sarita Subramaniam

Director, Earth Brigade Foundation
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Dr. Mamta Mehra

Senior Fellow and Research Program Officer, Project Drawdown
Ignite Session: A Just & Green City

Mayesha Alam Ph.D.

Senior Fellow, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
In Conversation: Climate Migration

Adam Mahoney

Environmental Justice Reporter, Grist
Ignite Session: A Just & Green City

Jenny Price

Author of Stop Saving the Planet: An Environmentalist Manifesto
Ignite Session: Why Intersectionality Matters

Jayati Ghosh

Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Ignite Session: Earth Economy

Des Spicer Orak

Coordinator, Pacific Climate Warriors
Pass the Mic: Voices of the Land

Amali Tower

Founder & Executive Director, Climate Refugees
In Conversation: Climate Migration

Ann Pettifor

Director, Policy Research in Macroeconomics (PRIME)
Ignite Session: Earth Economy

Oladosu Adenike

The Ecofeminist. Founder of I Lead Climate.
Spotlight: Women's Rally

Jens Martin Skibsted

Global Partner, VP Foresight & Mobility at Manyone
Ignite Session: A Just & Green City

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we’re a film festival
dedicated to action

Every event at the CCFF comes with a dedicated action pack, which expands further on the problems, solutions and actions covered in each film or speaking event.

take action now

our audience always leaves
feeling empowered

felt more
empowered to act
described the
CCFF as inspiring
positive feedback
from atendees
links to
climate action
“Powerful enough to persuade people to take action on climate change”
“Meticulously curated with passion, care, fear and hope”
“A powerful and pressing call to action"
“Awakening, inspiring and motivating throughout”

discover our
previous editions

Discover the Climate Crisis Film Festival’s creative and diverse programming from previous editions.

amplifying underrepresented climate stories with the first-ever award for climate film by BIPOC and non-western filmmakers

Haulover: Separated

Alvaro Cantillano

Hawaiian Soul

ʻĀina Paikai

To Calm the Pig Inside

Joanna Vasquez Arong

Time and the Seashell

Itandehui Jansen

the Ocean Bottle Film Award jury

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Caleb Nii Odartey Aryee

Filmmaker, Film Curator and Social Justice Activist
Award Ceremony

Mark Decena

Filmmaker and environmental justice activist
Award Ceremony

Carver Bacchus

Trinidad & Tobago
Filmmaker and Green Screen Environmental Film Festival Founder
Award Ceremony

Jade Begay

Dine, Tesuque Pueblo (Navajo Nation)
Climate Justice Campaign Director, NDN Collective. Filmmaker, Expedition Studios
Ignite Session: Why Intersectionality Matters

Sabine Matsheka

Communications expert, youth activist and sustainable fashion designer
Award Ceremony

Marie Hélène Ndiaye

Artistic Activism Project Coordinator at Africans Rising
Award Ceremony

Aisha Younis

Climate Reframe co-creator, Aziz Foundation scholar
Award Ceremony

Nicole Granados

El Salvador, USA
Environmentalist and Adventure Photographer
Award Ceremony

Gustavo García Solares

Filmmaker, musician and artivist
Award Ceremony
The Clyde Arc in Glasgow, soon to home to film events during the COP26.

join us for our 3rd edition during COP26

November 1st - 14th

We're running a free digital program of amazing climate cinema and events for audiences right here on our site!

November 12th

Join us for our Award Ceremony inside the COP26 for a special screening and the presentation of the Ocean Bottle Film Award!

bringing underrepresented voices to the fore

An Ethiopian coffee farmer tends to her crops.Anote Tong, former president of Kiribati, bathes in the sea during golden hour.A first nations woman protests at COP21 in Paris.